It Is Back To School Season!

It’s time to pack our bags and head to the classrooms. It took sixty-plus days for our classrooms to finally miss us. The tables are clean for your books to stay. The chairs are up on their feet for you to sit. The teachers are smiling their way toward the classes. The playground is fresh as ever bathed in the rainfall that surprised us in summer. The cafeteria has filled the space around it with the aroma of delicious, sweet, and salted flavors. The walls are painted, and the school buses are fuelled up.


On the other hand, I think we are all relaxed, refreshed after a good break, and ready to step into our school shoes. Are we? Hopefully!


Allow me to assist you to tick items off your back-to-school checklist. And then keep your worries aside, ride to your school, catch-up with friends, learn great things, savor yummy snacks and come back home with great stories to tell.


Let us spring to action, prepare ourselves, and walk into a new semester with energy levels not less than Dubai’s favorite Fade Fit snacks. Hey-ya kids let’s have a Berry good blast! (Link:


Let’s get started…


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Set an early routine


Did you know it is very important for us to get at least 8 hours of sleep to keep our minds healthy and focus just right on school? Well now you know it, grab a pencil and pen down a schedule that allows you at least 8 hours of sleep before you wake up and get ready for school.


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Set your alarm clock


I am sure you used those tabs and phones almost all day long for either watching cartoons, playing games, or doing your holiday homework. It’s time to change their job. Set the alarms you need for the right times and let them buzz through until you reach-out.


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Have a calendar up on your wall


It may be harsh for our smartphones when we resort to hanging a calendar up our walls instead of using it digitally. But the right use of technology is different at every stage of life. While we are at school let us avoid the risks of running out of charge or losing the data we saved. We have big goals to achieve, so common head on to your nearest lifestyle or stationery store to get yourself a calendar that will keep you up to date.


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Make a list of the important term dates


Once you have the calendar hung up, mark the important days from your school’s schedule on it. Let it remind you of an event well in advance so you are best prepared, Don’t forget to place the calendar at the right place on the wall and right in your line of sight.


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Create a study space


A study space is also very important for students. We all have toy rooms, corners, boxes, etc., right? If we can have a space for playing we should definitely have one for studying, make sure your study space has a clean and flat platform so you can write and read without any obstacles. If you have any toddler siblings, keep them away from your study space. You wouldn’t want them to tear through or sketch along your study material right before school starts.


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Sticky notes


Have a fresh bunch of sticky notes on your table. Write important topics, assignment ideas, days, events, homework, etc., and stick them on your calendar or have a portable bulletin board hung next to your calendar and give it some resourceful company!


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Backpack backup – Backpack backpack


All you explorers, pack your bag with the books you need for each day, the night before, before you hide into your cozy quilts. It is a scary ride to take when you end up doing so in the morning. While doing so at the last moment, you might take the wrong book or leave something behind. But do leave your map and boots at home. Backpack Backpack!


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Make sure your stationery is on point


Did you satisfy the appetite of your stationary case or is it still hungry? Offer it two well-sharpened pencils, an eraser, a sharpener, one black pen and one blue pen tested for working, a ruler, and a highlighter. Do not forget your math tools for the class when needed!


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Draw up a meal plan for your lunch box


The books are done, the stationary is ticked, and we also discussed the schedule and sleep. What’s left? The most important item atop your checklist should be to plan a good meal for your lunch box. Being healthy should be our top priority. Keep away from unhealthy eats and do not let your health deteriorate. Make sure your lunch box has good sources of protein, fat, nutrients, and carbs in the right amounts so that it keeps you packed with energy all day long. Always remember if you are healthy you can focus and achieve your goals at your best.



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Look into your wardrobes and dressers


Is your uniform washed, ironed, and scented? Always wash, iron, and scent the right uniform you need for the next day. Waking up the next morning, freshen up, get into your uniform, slide your feet in your socks and jump into your shoes. Let your dresser's mirror help you comb your hair, put on your sunscreen, and a watch on your wrist. And we are all set to rock and roll the school days!


And finally,

Make sure you’ve booked the best after-school activities.

Head on to register at Sparkler Minds today!
